X (Twitter) Earnings Calculator
Calculate your potential X (Twitter) earnings with our free calculator. Get accurate estimates based on verified followers, engagement rates, and tweet frequency. Updated with the latest revenue sharing model.
Verified Follower Focus
Calculate earnings based on X's new verified follower engagement model.
Engagement Analysis
See how engagement rates affect your potential earnings.
Tweet Optimization
Understand how tweet frequency impacts your revenue.
Revenue Projections
Get monthly and annual earning estimates based on current data.
For Content Creators
Understand and optimize your X earnings potential
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- ✓Basic earnings calculator
- ✓Real-time estimates
- ✓Engagement analysis
- ✓Revenue projections
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- ✓Historical tracking
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- ✓Competitor analysis
- ✓API access
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How are X earnings calculated?
X earnings are primarily calculated based on engagement from verified followers. The platform shares ad revenue based on interactions like replies, likes, and bookmarks from verified accounts. Our calculator uses real data to estimate earnings based on your verified follower count, engagement rate, and tweet frequency.
What is a good engagement rate on X?
Engagement rates on X typically range from 1-3% for most accounts. However, with the new revenue sharing model, engagement from verified followers is what matters most for earnings. Higher engagement from verified followers can significantly increase your earnings potential.
How often should I tweet to maximize earnings?
According to current data, accounts that tweet more frequently (10+ times per day) tend to earn more through the revenue sharing program. However, content quality and verified follower engagement remain the most important factors.
Why do earnings vary so much between creators?
Earnings can vary significantly based on the number of verified followers, engagement rates, tweet frequency, and content quality. Accounts with higher percentages of verified followers typically earn more per impression than those with mostly non-verified followers.